Mineral coatings, important to know - Concrete cosmetic, golden concrete, Isopowder, mineral coatings

Synfola GmbH
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Mineral coatings, important to know

Mineral coatings

Created by   Synfola®

Mineral coatings and repair mortar

Our services

- New product developments according to customer requirements
Optical and qualitative product adaptations according to requirements

Important side products

A high-quality mineral coating is not only a combination of raw materials, which can be applied to an adequate surface. The preliminary treatment of the surface by grinding, polishing, priming etc. always has to fit to the coating product.

Only the right formulation or choice of primer is decisive for a durable bond of mineral coating and surface.

After the coating it is also important, which protection type (impregnation/sealing) is used for the product. Thus we developed also our own impregnation and sealing systems to perfectly protect our coating systems.

Sustainably solve quality problems

Subsequent covering work and also the initial and following maintenance cleaning are important factors which have to be discussed with owner, architect and construction management.
With instruction and professional performance of work many consequential damages can be prevented.

Our development team is always concerned to search and point out perfect solutions for all these areas.

We would be pleased to support you with an own product solution, to create an adequate in-house product for you or to talk with you about the international sale of our in-house products.

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