Impregnation and seals from Synfola surface protection - Concrete cosmetic, golden concrete, Isopowder, mineral coatings

Synfola GmbH
Synthesis Research Laboratory Synfola GmbH
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Impregnation and seals from Synfola surface protection

Surface protection

Created by   Synfola®

Breathable permanent 
impregnations and seals 
for different types of application

Synfola® developed different product components for all areas of application, which are applied in different ways depending on the intensity of surface absorptivity.

For all areas of application only raw materials have been used, which are UV resistant and lightfast, don't change the surface optically and won't be ineffective after years.

Permanent impregnation and seal systems

Facade impregnation

for natural stone

Facade impregnation for natural stone

Facade impregnation

for special concrete elements

Facade impregnation for special concrete elements

Facade impregnation

for exposed concrete facades

Facade impregnation for exposed concrete facades

Hard concrete 


Hard concrete impregnation



Anhydrite impregnation



Anhydrite seal

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